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What is Affiliate Marketing? Definition & Examples of Distribution Channels

    Affiliate Marketing

    Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing? Many brands nowadays have affiliate programs. In fact, we could say that 80% of them have such programs implemented in their marketing plans.

    What is Affiliate Marketing?

    Affiliate marketing can be defined as a strategy that specializes in selling third party products or services. Each user will receive a commission according to the brand they work with when making a sale or providing a service.

    If you want to start working with affiliate marketing, the more your service or product is sold, the higher your profit will be. Although you have to take into account the company you want to work with, as the percentage may vary depending on their requirements.

    How Can I Be Part of the Affiliate Marketing Program?

    In the world of marketing, you are going to meet a lot of experts who can manage considerable amounts of money. (Depending on the area they handle). If you already have some idea of the components of said world, you may have been attracted to affiliate marketing. (Maybe enough to want to become a part of it).

    Therefore, in order to facilitate the introduction, we will tell you some tips on how to do it:

    1. Choose an affiliate program. You should look for a company that gives you the best opportunities to sell physical or digital products.
    2. Be very careful and critical of the companies you encounter. Some of them use different methods to scam people and then disappear with the money.
    3. You can work with several companies at the same time. It is not necessary that they have a common purpose with each other. Either way, if you are able to manage your work well, it gives you a great advantage in terms of the possible amount of your income.
    4. Look at the profitability of the companies. You need to see enough options to make a compilation of which ones can be the most profitable for you.
    5. It is important for you to like what you do and what you sell. This is not a must; however, liking what you want to sell can help convince your customers to buy whatever you are promoting.
    6. Be informed about what you are trying to sell. It is important to be well educated about all the functions that your product or service has because people will pay you attention according to how you offer it to them.

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    Examples of Distribution Channels for Affiliate Marketing

    You should not focus on a single channel in particular, but to know and manage several of them. In this way, you will be able to have a wider range of options to choose. Here are some examples of distribution channels that you can start using:

    Web Sites

    This kind of platform allows you to organize information in a better way for common users. In other words, if you want to work with testimonials and opinions about the products offered, this is one of the channels to consider.

    Additionally, this allows each of the users to express their opinions about the service or product received, thus showing greater reliability and transparency.

    Social Networking

    Currently, social networks are one of the most widely used tools in the world. This is because higher levels of information and communication are reached thanks to them. That is to keep users actively engaged there in the platforms. The most recommended social networks for this type of campaign are:

    • Facebook
    • YouTube
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest.

    The relevance of social networks is highly recognized, which has made them totally indispensable tools in marketing management.


    This tool is widely used in this medium since, by means of it, services and products can be uploaded, giving a small description of each one of them.

    Necessary Skills for Affiliate Marketers


    People engaged in affiliate marketing must show a fervent commitment to their work. In this way, it is easier to get customers willing to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell them.


    To attract an audience, you must have excellent communication. This is based on clearly exposing your ideas, either in blogs, social networks, among other platforms, whether online or traditional. This while you are interacting with your audience and showing the quality of your product or service.

    The fact of having communication with professional people in this subject allows you to obtain better results. (This along with the knowledge provided by people more specialized in the subject).


    This is one of the main qualities you must have as a member of an affiliate marketing program. Setting your goal can be a difficult process because of the obstacles that can arise. The key is to keep focused on your sales until you achieve the goals you had already set.


    Innovating in the way you express yourself to your potential customers, in addition to the quality of the product or service you offer, is fundamental. It is a skill that, along with your communication skills, will help you to make what you are selling look better.

    On the other hand, knowing different areas of commerce and having knowledge of various types of products gives you a great advantage. This is because you will have a wider range of approaches from which to support you in your promotion process.

    Aspects to Follow to Increase Your Chances of Success

    In short, the purpose of every entrepreneur is to succeed in the world of affiliate marketing. However, it is a goal that not everyone involved is able to achieve. They must keep a clear idea of what they want to achieve and map out their strategies in order not to fall by the wayside.

    In order to have a better chance of success, the following aspects must be taken into account:

    • Choose products or services the profit of which is as sustainable as possible. These have to be in high demand and, even if you choose something from a niche, if it is in high demand and with competition of equal importance, you will be able to obtain income. However, with more competition, you need to be more strategic with the way you sell.
    • Select the most appropriate means of dissemination according to your needs. Each means of transmitting information has its advantages for each type of product or service to be promoted. Analyze what you are selling and use what suits you best.
    • Make your promotion attractive and interesting. Create texts with clear, complete and detailed topics so that consumers find their interest in them. Today’s society, in the age of information and instantaneousness, demands dynamism to give their attention to anything. Work on it to encourage more people to give you their attention.